T Tirabassi


I am studying for a Bachelors in Information & Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in the Spring of 2025, and hope to have a career in software engineering as well as game design and development.

Interests: Game Development, Software Engineering, Web Development, Mobile Application Development, 3D Graphics


UH RepCompanion 2024-05-05

My team and I created UH Repcompanion, an application designed to connect University of Hawai'i students seeking gym partners.

Meteor React Bootstrap MongoDB Software Engineering Web Application Development HTML CSS JSX

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Hotel Management System 2023-12-10

My team and I created a basic hotel management system in the language of C++ for a final project, displaying our capabilities and skills from the course.

VS Code Replit C++

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Self-Pay Kiosk 2023-06-05

I was tasked with creating a program to replicate a self-pay kiosk using two different files in Java.

VS Code Java

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Studying Software: Insights from Engineering Endeavors

30 Apr 2024

A Software Saga Software engineering is the field of computer science that encompasses the design, development, testing, and management of software applications. Through practice, assessment, and real world applications, I have not only learned many different concepts from my education...

Software Engineering Learning Issue Driven Project Management UI Frameworks Web Application Development

AI in Academia: A Personal Perspective

24 Apr 2024

I. Introduction Artificial Intelligence or AI is not only becoming more advanced within the modern day, but also much more prevalent, particularly within academia. Within educational discussions, there is currently the debate of how AI is impacting the education system,...

AI Higher Education Software Engineering Coding Ethics Learning

Design Dynamics: Patterns in Practice

17 Apr 2024

Navigating the Depths of Design Within the sea of software development and engineering, design patterns serve as a path to maintaining the efficient functionality and navigation of one’s code. Similarly to the way sailors use stars and different constellations to...

Design Patterns Coding Practices Software Engineering Coding Standards

UI Frameworks Unveiled: Enhancing Experiences

16 Feb 2024

Utilizing UI User Interface Frameworks are not easy, especially to learn. While they are intended to work within the code you are programming, they almost feel as though you are coding in a completely different language. An accurate comparison for...

UI Frameworks Web Design HTML CSS Bootstrap 5 Software Engineering

Coding Consistency: The Power of Standards

02 Feb 2024

Etiquette in Education Upon being requested or prompted to write a paper, essay, or even an email, many of us are familiar with a certain style or format that we have learned and conform to in an academic and professional...

Coding Standards ESLint IntelliJ Learning

Quality Questioning: Asking Smart Questions

19 Jan 2024

Important Intelligent Inquiries Many of us have always heard the expression, “there are no dumb questions”, as it demonstrates that seeking knowledge includes failure and in order to know, you must learn. So, is there truly such a thing as...

Smart Questioning Stack Overflow Tech Forums

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